Adjectives that start with C! Learn useful list of adjectives beginning with letter C illustrated with pictures, ESL printable worksheets.
Why we should learn adjectives? Adjectives tell the us how much—or how many—of something you’re talking about, which thing you want passed to you, or which kind of something you want.
Adjectives That Start with C
- Calm
- Carnivorous
- Catholic
- Calming
- Cancerous
- Carribean
- Canadian
- Capricious
- Captive
- Carbonated
- Captivated
- Calculating
- Callous
- Capable
- Calculated
- Cancelled
- Careful
- Catatonic
- Catchable
- Celestial
- Cautious
- Cockamamie
- Caustic
- Captivating
- Carefree
- Careless
- Carpeted
- Cavernous
- Caring
- Carsick
- Ceaseless
- Celebrated
- Centered
- Cavalier
- Central
- Charitable
- Ceremonial
- Changeable
- Certain
- Certified
- Chewable
- Cerebral
- Charming
- Chattering
- Calculable
- Chivalrous
- Chewy
- Choice
- Certifiable
- Chatting
- Choking
- Charmed
- Casual
- Clumsy
- Chief
- Cluttered
- Coarse
- Cheery
- Chatty
- Challenged
- Chance
- Changing
- Chanting
- Chauvinistic
- Charging
- Challenging
- Charismatic
- Cheering
- Cheerless
- Chemical
- Chic
- Chilly
- Cheap
- Childlike
- Chicken
- Chilling
- Childish
- Clean
- Contoured
- Contractual
- Contradicting
- Chinese
- Churlish
- Chronological
- Chubby
- Chuckling
- Civil
- Cinematic
- Circular
- Circumstantial
- Civilian
- Chunky
- Cackling
- Cacophonic
- Caged
- Cagey
- Calamitous
- Choppy
- Clapping
- Clingy
- Clinical
- Closeable
- Colorful
- Christian
- Candid
- Clashing
- Civilized
- Circling
- Clammy
- Clamoring
- Clanging
- Classic
- Classical
- Cheerful
- Classifiable
- Cleanable
- Clandestine
- Cheapest
- Cheeky
- Classified
- Classy
- Clear
- Clear-cut
- Cleared
- Clear-headed
- Clever
- Colloquial
- Colonial
- Climatic
- Closed
- Climbable
- Clueless
- Clinging
- Cloudless
- Cliquish
- Clogged
- Cloistered
- Collapsed
- Close
- Close-minded
- Cloudy
- Cold-blooded
- Clownish
- Cocky
- Coercive
- Collaborative
- Collapsing
- Commendable
- Collectible
- Collegial
- Cold-hearted
- Colorless
- Colossal
- Comely
- Comforted
- Commanding
- Comfortable
- Combative
- Combined
- Comical
- Combustible
- Commercial
- Committed
- Comforting
- Consecutive
- Considerate
- Communicative
- Consistent
- Common
- Communal
- Communist
- Consensual
- Considerable
- Concise
- Contentious
- Cursed
- Commemorative
- Controllable
- Competitive
- Cognitive
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coincidental
- Cold
- Compact
- Complacent
- Complaining
- Complete
- Completed
- Concerning
- Complex
- Compliant
- Complicated
- Computerized
- Conceited
- Conceivable
- Concerned
- Concurrent
- Condemned
- Condensed
- Condescending
- Conditional
- Cumbersome
- Concomitant
- Confident
- Cultural
- Concerted
- Cultured
- Confidential
- Confirmed
- Conscious
- Consoling
- Conspicuous
- Conspiratorial
- Compulsory
- Conflicted
- Conflicting
- Contagious
- Conformable
- Congested
- Concealable
- Complimentary
- Compound
- Comprehensive
- Compulsive
- Computer
- Concealed
- Confounded
- Confused
- Confusing
- Congenial
- Congressional
- Congruent
- Congruous
- Calando
- Connective
- Conscientious
- Cranky
- Crashing
- Crass
- Constant
- Constitutional
- Constrictive
- Constructive
- Consumable
- Caitiff
- Comparable
- Comparative
- Compassionate
- Compelling
- Competent
- Calcareous
- Calced
- Consummate
- Containable
- Contemplative
- Contemporary
- Caesarean
- Caesarian
- Caffeinic
- Contemptible
- Current
- Curt
- Curved
- Cagy
- Cairned
- Curvy
- Contemptuous
- Content
- Calceolate
- Contented
- Contradictory
- Calciferous
- Controversial
- Continual
- Credible
- Creeping
- Creepy
- Convenient
- Calcic
- Continuous
- Contrarian
- Contrary
- Courteous
- Calcific
- Covert
- Coveted
- Contrite
- Convoluted
- Cooing
- Calefacient
- Cooked
- Cool
- Coolest
- Cool-headed
- Cooperative
- Coordinated
- Corrective
- Calefactive
- Copious
- Coquettish
- Convulsive
- Cordial
- Corner
- Cornered
- Corny
- Corporate
- Corpulent
- Correct
- Calefactory
- Correctable
- Corresponding
- Corrosive
- Corrupt
- Cacuminal
- Corrupting
- Cadaveric
- Cosmetic
- Cosmic
- Costly
- Cottony
- Cadaverous
- Coughing
- Caddish
- Courageous
- Cowardly
- Cowering
- Cadastral
- Conventional
- Conversational
- Convinced
- Cadenced
- Crabby
- Cacophonous
- Cracked
- Crackling
- Crafty
- Cabalistic
- Cachectic
- Craggy
- Crammed
- Cramped
- Caducous
- Craven
- Crawling
- Calculous
- Crazy
- Creaking
- Creaky
- Cadent
- Creamy
- Crooked
- Crowded
- Cropped
- Creative
- Crestfallen
- Cacodaemonic
- Criminal
- Crippled
- Crippling
- Cross
- Crisp
- Crossed
- Crispy
- Critical
- Caducean
- Coy
- Cozy
- Crotchety
- Cacogenic
- Crucial
- Crude
- Cruel
- Crumbling
- Crumbly
- Cacodemonic
- Crunchable
- Crunching
- Crunchy
- Crushable
- Cunning
- Crushed
- Crusty
- Crying
- Cynical
- Curious
- Curly
- Customary
- Cut
- Caliginous
- Cute
- Cutting
- Cylindrical
- Cryptic
- Crystalline
- Crystallized
- Cuddly
- Calibrated
- Culpable
- Cumulative
- Calendric
- Curable
- Curative
- Calendrical
Adjectives That Start with C | Infographic