Adjectives are commonly referred to as describing words. Specifically, they describe or add detail to nouns, which are people, places, and things. Below is the list of adjectives that start with H to help you improve vocabulary words in English with ESL infographic.
Adjectives that Start with H
List of Adjectives Beginning with Letter H
- hypocritical
- hypnotised
- hypertrophied
- hypertonic
- hypnagogic
- hypnotic
- hyperemic
- hypercritical
- hygienic
- hydroxy
- hypnoid
- hypnogogic
- hygrophytic
- hygienical
- hypersensitive
- hyperopic
- hypermetropic
- hyperfine
- hypethral
- hyperthermal
- hypertensive
- hyperboloidal
- hyperbolic
husky - hyperactive
- hypaethral
- hyoid
- hymeneal
- hymenal
- hygroscopic
- hydrous
- hypoactive
- hypnotized
- hydrostatic
- hydroponic
- hydrophytic
- huxleyan
- huxleian
- hysteric
- hypovolemic
- hydrodynamic
- hydrocephalic
- hypovolaemic
- hydrometric
- hydrolyzable
- hydrokinetic
- hydrographic
- hydrophobic
- hydrophilic
- hydropathic
- hydroelectric
- hydric
- hyaloid
- hysterical
- hyaline
- humic
- hunted
- hungry
- hungarian
- hushed
- husbandly
- hurtful
- humiliated
- humified
- hydraulic
- hydrated
- hybrid
- hyaloplasmic
- humid
- hunched
- hurt
- hurrying
- hurried
- humiliating
- hunchbacked
- humped
- humpbacked
- humorless
- humoral
- humongous
- humdrum
- humbling
- humbled
- humble
- humanlike
- hundredth
- hospitable
- horticultural
- humanitarian
- humanistic
- human
- hulky
- huge
- huffy
- huffish
- honorable
- horrible
- hoydenish
- howling
- hueless
- huddled
- honorific
- honored
- honorary
- housewifely
- housebroken
- housebound
- hourly
- hourlong
- horrid
- hooklike
- horrendous
- horny
- hottish
- hortatory
- hortative
- horrifying
- hulking
- hugoesque
- humanist
- humane
- hypothalamic
- horrified
- hypotonic
- hundred
- horrific
- horizontal
- hypotensive
- hopeless
- hopeful
- homelike
- hominine
- hypothetical
- humourous
- humourless
- humorous
- hypothetic
- hypophysial
- hypophyseal
- hypodermic
- hypodermal
- horary
- hominid
- homosexual
- honeycombed
- honey
- honest
- honduran
- homy
- homophonous
- hominian
- hooved
- hornlike
- hornless
- horned
- homophonic
- homologous
- honeyed
- homophobic
- homophile
- homonymous
- homonymic
- homologic
- homozygous
- hormonal
- honied
- hotheaded
- hot
- homostyled
- homosporous
- homological
- hostile
- hypothermic
- honeylike
- hooked
- hooflike
- homiletic
- homicidal
- homey
- homothermic
- homostylic
- homogenous
- homogenized
- homeward
- hominal
- homiletical
- hollywood
- hollow
- hoarse
- hoar
- homeopathic
- homoecious
- honourable
- homemade
- homespun
- homeric
- homeostatic
- homoerotic
- homogenised
- homeless
- historied
- homesick
- hoary
- homely
- homing
- holographical
- hoofed
- homostylous
- historical
- historic
- hind
- homogeneous
- histrionic
- himalayan
- hieratic
- homebound
- homocyclic
- homocercal
- hoggish
- hittite
- hitless
- hitlerian
- highflying
- homocentric
- holistic
- holey
- hokey
- holographic
- highfaluting
- hippocratic
- home
- holy
- holozoic
- highfalutin
- hircine
- hidrotic
- hexadecimal
- hidebound
- hidden
- hilarious
- histological
- histologic
- hispid
- hipped
- hipless
- hiplength
- hip
- hindustani
- hindu
- hogged
- hobnailed
- hispaniolan
- hispanic
- holophytic
- hindoo
- hindmost
- hindi
- hindermost
- hilly
- hiemal
- highbrow
- highborn
- hick
- hibernating
- hibernal
- hexed
- homegrown
- higher
- highbrowed
- hierarchical
- hierarchic
- hierarchal
- high
- hifalutin
- hieroglyphic
- hieratical
- hindering
- hinder
- hirsute
- hired
- hilar
- hideous
- heterological
- heterologic
- heterothermic
- hexagonal
- highland
- heuristic
- heterozygous
- heterotrophic
- hereditary
- here
- heterologous
- hex
- hewn
- heroical
- heraldic
- heralded
- heroic
- heliac
- heterodyne
- herbivorous
- herbal
- herbaceous
- heterodox
- heterodactyl
- heterocyclic
- heterosporous
- herculean
- heraldist
- heterosexual
- heritable
- heretical
- henpecked
- hempen
- hemostatic
- hexangular
- het
- heterocercal
- heteroicous
- heterogenous
- heteroecious
- hepatotoxic
- hepatic
- hep
- held
- heinous
- hegelian
- hermitical
- helmeted
- hefty
- heedless
- heedful
- hemispheric
- hermeneutic
- hemorrhagic
- hedonistic
- hedonic
- hesitating
- hermitic
- hesperian
- hertzian
- hermetic
- hebraic
- hellish
- hellenistic
- hemopoietic
- hemophilic
- hemolytic
- helpless
- helpful
- helminthic
- hemiparasitic
- hemic
- hematal
- hemal
- hesitant
- hedged
- hectic
- hematologic
- hematogenic
- hematic
- hebridean
- heartless
- heartfelt
- heartening
- hearsay
- healthful
- headed
- hearing
- heard
- hebrew
- hebraical
- healed
- heady
- headstrong
- heartsick
- healing
- headlike
- headless
- headfirst
- hearable
- headlong
- hellenic
- helical
- heathenish
- heathen
- healthy
- heatless
- heathlike
- heliacal
- healthier
- hearty
- heavenly
- heavyset
- heavy
- heated
- heatable
Adjectives that Start with H | Infographic