The following articles provides the list of adjectives that start with O in English with example sentences and ESL infographic. This list is an excellent starting point for building up vocabulary to converse fluently in English.
Adjectives that Start with O
List of 400+ Adjectives that Begin with O
- Oafish
- Oaken
- Oaten
- Obdurate
- Obedient
- Obese
- Objectionable
- Objective
- Oblanceolate
- Oblate
- Obligate
- Obligated
- Obligational
- Obligatory
- Obliged
- Obliging
- Oblique
- Obliterable
- Obliterate
- Obliterated
- Oblivious
- Oblong
- Obnoxious
- Obovate
- Obscene
- Obscure
- Obsequious
- Observable
- Observant
- Observational
- Observed
- Observing
- Obsessed
- Obsessional
- Obsessive
- Obsolescent
- Obsolete
- Obstetric
- Obstetrical
- Obstinate
- Obstreperous
- Obstructed
- Obstructive
- Obtainable
- Obtrusive
- Obtuse
- Obviating
- Obvious
- Occasional
- Occidental
- Occipital
- Occluded
- Occlusive
- Occult
- Occupational
- Occupied
- Occurrent
- Oceangoing
- Oceanic
- Ocellated
- Ocher
- Ochre
- Octagonal
- Octal
- Octangular
- Octogenarian
- Octosyllabic
- Octuple
- Ocular
- Odd
- Oddish
- Odd-looking
- Odiferous
- Odious
- Odoriferous
- Odorless
- Odorous
- Odourless
- Oecumenic
- Oecumenical
- Off
- Offbeat
- Offenceless
- Offended
- Offending
- Offenseless
- Offensive
- Offhand
- Offhanded
- Official
- Officious
- Offish
- Offshore
- Offside
- Offsides
- Offstage
- Ohmic
- Oiled
- Oily
- Ok
- Okay
- Old
- Olden
- Older
- Oldest
- Old-fashioned
- Oldish
- Oldline
- Oleaceous
- Oleaginous
- Oleophilic
- Oleophobic
- Olfactive
- Olfactory
- Oligarchic
- Oligarchical
- Olive
- Olivelike
- Olympian
- Olympic
- Omani
- Ominous
- Omissible
- Omissive
- Omnibus
- Omnidirectional
- Omnifarious
- Omnipotent
- Omnipresent
- Omniscient
- Omnivorous
- On
- Oncologic
- Oncological
- Oncoming
- One
- One-hour
- Oneiric
- Onerous
- One-sided
- Onetime
- Ongoing
- Online
- Only
- Onomastic
- Onomatopoeic
- Onomatopoeical
- Onomatopoetic
- Onshore
- Onside
- Onstage
- Ontogenetic
- Ontological
- Onymous
- Oozing
- Oozy
- Opalescent
- Opaline
- Opaque
- Open
- Opencast
- Opencut
- Opened
- Openhanded
- Openhearted
- Opening
- Open-minded
- Openmouthed
- Operable
- Operant
- Operatic
- Operating
- Operational
- Operationalist
- Operative
- Operculate
- Operculated
- Operose
- Ophthalmic
- Opinionated
- Opinionative
- Opisthognathous
- Opponent
- Opportune
- Opportunist
- Opportunistic
- Opposable
- Opposed
- Opposing
- Opposite
- Oppositive
- Oppressed
- Oppressive
- Opprobrious
- Optative
- Optic
- Optical
- Optimal
- Optimistic
- Optimum
- Optional
- Opulent
- Oracular
- Oral
- Orange
- Orangish
- Oratorical
- Orbicular
- Orbiculate
- Orbital
- Orbitual
- Orchestral
- Orchestrated
- Ordained
- Ordered
- Orderly
- Ordinal
- Ordinary
- Organic
- Organicistic
- Organisational
- Organised
- Organismal
- Organismic
- Organizational
- Organized
- Orgiastic
- Oriental
- Orientated
- Orientating
- Oriented
- Orienting
- Original
- Originative
- Ornamental
- Ornate
- Ornery
- Ornithological
- Oropharyngeal
- Orotund
- Orphaned
- Orphic
- Orthodontic
- Orthodox
- Orthogonal
- Orthographic
- Orthomolecular
- Orthopaedic
- Orthopedic
- Orthopedical
- Orthoptic
- Orthostatic
- Orthotropous
- Orwellian
- Oscillating
- Oscillatory
- Oscine
- Oscitant
- Osmotic
- Osseous
- Ossicular
- Ossiculate
- Ossiferous
- Ossified
- Osteal
- Ostensible
- Ostensive
- Ostentatious
- Otc
- Other
- Otherwise
- Otherworldly
- Otic
- Otiose
- Ototoxic
- Ottoman
- Our
- Out
- Outback
- Outboard
- Outbound
- Outbred
- Outcast
- Outcaste
- Outclassed
- Outdated
- Outdoor
- Outdoorsy
- Outer
- Outermost
- Outfitted
- Outflowing
- Outgoing
- Outlandish
- Outlaw
- Outlawed
- Outlined
- Outlying
- Outmoded
- Outmost
- Outraged
- Outrageous
- Outre
- Outrigged
- Outright
- Outside
- Outsize
- Outsized
- Outspoken
- Outspread
- Outstanding
- Outstretched
- Outward
- Oval
- Ovarian
- Ovate
- Over
- Over sized
- Overabundant
- Overactive
- Overage
- Overaged
- Overaggressive
- Overall
- Overambitious
- Overanxious
- Overarm
- Over-assertive
- Overawed
- Overbearing
- Overblown
- Overbold
- Overburdened
- Overbusy
- Overcareful
- Overcast
- Overcautious
- Overconfident
- Overcooked
- Overcredulous
- Overcritical
- Overcrowded
- Overcurious
- Overdelicate
- Overdone
- Overdressed
- Overdue
- Overeager
- Overemotional
- Overenthusiastic
- Overexcited
- Overfamiliar
- Overfed
- Overflowing
- Overfond
- Overfull
- Overgenerous
- Overgreedy
- Overgrown
- Overhand
- Overhanded
- Overhasty
- Overhead
- Overheated
- Overindulgent
- Overjealous
- Overjoyed
- Overladen
- Overland
- Overlarge
- Overloaded
- Overlooked
- Overlooking
- Overlying
- Overmodest
- Overmuch
- Overnice
- Overnight
- Overoptimistic
- Overpowering
- Overpriced
- Overprotective
- Overproud
- Overqualified
- Overrated
- Overreaching
- Overrefined
- Overriding
- Overripe
- Oversea
- Overseas
- Oversensitive
- Overserious
- Oversewn
- Oversexed
- Overshot
- Oversize
- Oversized
- Oversolicitous
- Overstated
- Overstrung
- Overstuffed
- Oversubscribed
- Oversuspicious
- Overt
- Overturned
- Overvaliant
- Overweening
- Overweight
- Overwhelmed
- Overwhelming
- Overworked
- Overwrought
- Overzealous
- Oviform
- Ovine
- Oviparous
- Ovoid
- Ovoviviparous
- Ovular
- Owing
- Owlish
- Own
- Owned
- Ownerless
- Oxalic
- Oxidative
- Oxidised
- Oxidizable
- Oxidized
Example Sentences
- The bodyguards, as usual, were brave but oafish.
- The ceiling had arched oaken beams.
- Where does Australian Oaten hay come from?
- They argued, but he remained obdurate.
- She is an obedient woman.
- She is grossly obese.
- I found the violence in that film really objectionable.
- It is impossible to be completely objective.
- The earth is an oblate sphere.
- It is an obligate parasite with a complex life cycle.
- We were obligated to attend the opening ceremony.
- It is obligatory for companies to provide details of their industrial processes.
- I was obliged to abandon that idea.
- You’ll find him most obliging.
- This is an oblique line.
- She tried to obliterate all memory of her father.
- The town was obliterated by the bombs.
- She was oblivious to our warnings.
- The only bathroom was a tiny oblong.
- He is the most obnoxious man I know.
- Bradford made an obscene gesture.
- The details of his life remain obscure.
- There’s no observable connection between the two events.
- You should be observant of the traffic rules.
- The observational work is carried out on a range of telescopes.
- The microscope capacitates small objects to be observed.
- The army was observing a ceasefire.
- I’m obsessed with one idea.
- She is obsessional about cleanliness.
- Some people are obsessive about cleanliness.
- This type of computer is obsolescent.
- We’re going to junk these computers, they are obsolete.
- Key obstetric and fetal outcomes were not significantly different.
- The main indications of obstetrical hysterectomy were plancta factors and uterine atony.
- He can be very obstinate at times.
- He becomes obstreperous when he’s had a few drinks.
- Tall trees obstructed his view of the road.
- She’s being downright difficult and obstructive.
- Our product is obtainable in all computer shop.
- The factory is an obtrusive eyesore.
- I’ve really been very obtuse and stupid.
- It is quite obvious that he is lying.
- I’ve had occasional mild headaches all my life.
- My dense Occidental mind did not immediately follow his meaning.
- The occipital protuberance was well developed.
- Lymphatics are occluded with fibrin.
- This confirms poor understanding of the importance of occlusive therapy among parents.
- He’s interested in witchcraft and the occult.
- Drivers have to take occupational risks.
- His time was occupied with the children.
- Technical terms are rarely occurrent in literature.
- Several ocean-going ships are being laid down here.
- Many oceanic islands are volcanic.
- He was still smiling, but his ocher eyes were serious.
- I use ultramarine, yellow ochre and crimson.
- The room is octagonal.
- The octal tube socket is surface mounted to the breadboard.
- She is very active for an octogenarian.
- The ocular micrometer is a circular diameter graticule.
- Her father was an odd man.
- The oddish design of the new product worried its producers, but customers seemed to like its originality, and sales were good.
- He’s an odd-looking cove.
- I find his flattery odious.
- The odoriferous spices stimulated her jaded appetite.
- Water is not only colorless, but odorless as well.
- ll the paints are odorous, but we will try our best to reduce the odor.
- Hydrogen is a corlourless, odourless gas.
- She’s a little offbeat, but she’s a wonderful actress.
- Ristarose can also accommodate offbeat locations for ceremonies.
- She was offended by her husband.
- I decided to have the offending tooth removed.
- I found her remarks deeply offensive.
- He was rather offhand with me.
- She accused the official of corruption.
- He’s an officious little man and widely disliked in the company.
- There are a lot offish and crabs in it.
- His money is in an offshore island bank.
- The goal was disallowed for offside.
- There was a loud crash offstage.
- The effect of ohmic dissipation on the evolution and saturation of this turbulence is investigated.
- He had rather oily hands.
- The old bus started with a jerk.
- In the olden days the girls were married young.
- He looks older than he is.
- The oldest general was appointed marshal of the armies.
- She wears really old-fashioned clothes!
- She was oldish – about 60, I’d say.
- Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of mustard.
- The new oleophobic screen is brighter and displays warmer, richer colors than previous iPhones.
- This olfactory sense develops in the womb.
- The oligarchic fortunes are in oil and metals.
- The skirt she wears is olive.
- He viewed the world with Olympian detachment.
- He plans to defend his Olympic crown.
- Some are descended from Omani tribes.
- Those black clouds are/look a bit ominous.
- I enjoy the omnibus edition of Eastenders on Sunday.
- The causes are omnifarious, continuous consideration and putting forward countermeasures to solve the problems are needed.
- Nevertheless he was not omnipotent or omniscient, either.
- These days the media are omnipresent.
- The novel has an omniscient narrator.
- She has always been an omnivorous reader.
- He was one of the founders of oncological research in china.
- He strayed into the path of an oncoming car.
- It will quickly shed light on a whole oneiric experience.
- This is the most onerous task I have ever undertaken.
- The violence was far from one-sided .
- There is an ongoing debate on the issue.
- We planned to build an online database.
- They’ve only sold thirteen tickets so far.
- He published a collection of his onomastic essays.
- Bang and pop are onomatopoeic words.
- …….
Adjectives Starting with O | Infographic