Learn the full list of adjectives that start with V in English. This list is helpful for a strong beginning, more advanced vocabulary building will help you quickly improve your English.
Adjectives that Start with V
List of 300+ Adjectives Beginning with Letter V
Adjectives that Start with Va
- Vacant
- Vaccinated
- Vacillant
- Vacillating
- Vacuolate
- Vacuolated
- Vacuous
- Vagabond
- Vagal
- Vagile
- Vaginal
- Vagrant
- Vague
- Vain
- Vainglorious
- Valedictory
- Valent
- Valetudinarian
- Valetudinary
- Valiant
- Valid
- Validated
- Validating
- Validatory
- Valorous
- Valuable
- Valued
- Valueless
- Valved
- Valvular
- Vaned
- Vanilla
- Vanished
- Vanquishable
- Vapid
- Vaporific
- Vaporish
- Vaporizable
- Vaporized
- Vaporous
- Vapourific
- Vapourisable
- Vapourised
- Vapourish
- Vapourous
- Variable
- Variant
- Varicelliform
- Varicolored
- Varicoloured
- Varicose
- Varied
- Variegated
- Variform
- Variolar
- Variolic
- Variolous
- Various
- Varnished
- Varying
- Vascular
- Vasiform
- Vasomotor
- Vast
- Vatic
- Vatical
- Vaulted
- Vaulting
Adjectives that Start with Ve
- Vedic
- Vegetable
- Vegetal
- Vegetarian
- Vegetational
- Vegetative
- Vegetive
- Vehement
- Vehicular
- Veiled
- Veinal
- Veined
- Veinlike
- Velar
- Velvet
- Velvety
- Venal
- Vendable
- Vendible
- Venerable
- Venerating
- Venereal
- Venetian
- Venezuelan
- Vengeful
- Venial
- Venomed
- Venomous
- Venose
- Venous
- Vented
- Ventilated
- Ventilatory
- Ventral
- Ventricose
- Ventricous
- Ventricular
- Venturesome
- Venturous
- Veracious
- Verbal
- Verbalised
- Verbalized
- Verbatim
- Verbose
- Verboten
- Verdant
- Veridical
- Verifiable
- Verificatory
- Verified
- Verifying
- Verisimilar
- Veritable
- Vermicular
- Vermiculate
- Vermiculated
- Vermiform
- Vermilion
- Vermillion
- Verminous
- Vernacular
- Vernal
- Verrucose
- Versatile
- Versed
- Vertebral
- Vertebrate
- Vertical
- Verticillate
- Verticillated
- Vertiginous
- Very
- Vesical
- Vesicant
- Vesicatory
- Vesicular
- Vestal
- Vested
- Vestiary
- Vestibular
- Vestigial
- Vestmental
- Vestmented
- Veteran
- Veterinary
- Vexatious
- Vexed
- Vexing
Adjectives that Start with Vi
- Vi
- Viable
- Viatical
- Vibrant
- Vibrational
- Vibratory
- Vibrionic
- Vicarial
- Vicarious
- Vicenary
- Vicennial
- Viceregal
- Vicinal
- Vicious
- Victimised
- Victimized
- Victorian
- Victorious
- Viennese
- Vietnamese
- Viewable
- Viewless
- Vigesimal
- Vigilant
- Vigorous
- Vile
- Villainous
- Vinaceous
- Vincible
- Vindicated
- Vindicatory
- Vindictive
- Vinegarish
- Vinegary
- Vinous
- Violable
- Violated
- Violative
- Violent
- Violet
- Viral
- Virgin
- Virginal
- Viricidal
- Virile
- Virological
- Virtual
- Virtuoso
- Virtuous
- Virucidal
- Virulent
- Visaged
- Visceral
- Viscid
- Viscoelastic
- Viscometric
- Viscosimetric
- Viscous
- Viselike
- Visible
- Visionary
- Visored
- Visual
- Visualised
- Visualized
- Vital
- Vitalizing
- Vitiated
- Vitiliginous
- Vitreous
- Vitrified
- Vitriolic
- Vituperative
- Vivace
- Vivacious
- Vivid
- Viviparous
- Vixenish
Adjectives that Start with Vo, Vu
- Vocal
- Vocalic
- Vocational
- Vocative
- Vociferous
- Voguish
- Voiced
- Voiceless
- Void
- Voidable
- Volant
- Volar
- Volatile
- Volatilisable
- Volatilised
- Volatilizable
- Volatilized
- Volcanic
- Volitional
- Voltaic
- Voltarean
- Voltarian
- Voluble
- Volumed
- Volumetric
- Volumetrical
- Voluminous
- Voluntary
- Volunteer
- Voluptuary
- Voluptuous
- Volute
- Voluted
- Voracious
- Voteless
- Votive
- Vowellike
- Voyeuristic
- Voyeuristical
- Vulcanised
- Vulcanized
- Vulgar
- Vulnerable
- Vulpecular
- Vulpine
- Vulturine
- Vulturous
- Vulval
- Vulvar
Adjectives Starting with V | Infographic